This is a 2v2 map so your survival depends on you and your ally, if your ally suck then I guess you're screwed but this game you will see my ally suck and died so they 2v1 me but I still kill them any ways.
The point of the game is build units to counter your opponents and destroy his pylon. The more units you kill the more income you will get. there are 4 unit structures and they are hot key from 1 to 4 1 is terran 2 is zergs 3 is protoss and 4 is your elite units, tab 5 is your pylon and in your pylon there are many features you can use your gas to trade for minerals or increase your income rate or use can you armageddon which destroys all your opponents units while leaving yours still on the screen. That's a very powerful feature and if you use it properly you can easily win the game with it or it can save you from being destroy right then. There many many different strategies involve in this game and if you can party with someone you know and coordinate your builds, then you can really have advantage over your opponents.
In this video I will just talk about the basic strategies to increase your chances of winning. First wait and not make any units till you see what your opponent is making so you can make a counter unit but if he don't make any units as well you will have to start it off, and what i normally do is start off archons or queens just to see what he will counter with, or if you want to be cheap use zerglings or zealots. Or you can wait till you have enough minerals and start off with a neutral combo that is good against what ever unit he might pop in. for example i like using Colossus stalker and marines to start it off. you do not want to wait till 1000 minerals to start attacking your units because he can use armageddon on you. Later on in the game when you have 3 gases what I normally do is trade that for minerals and if i have over 1000 minerals i throw in a fairly big combo of units, i like to use colossus, immortals, stalkers, zealots and marines. this combo works fairly well against most unit combos if you h ave more money, you can use thors, immortals stalkers Colossus zealots marines and some void rays or make a combo to your liking. I have a certain combo I use all the time but I'm not going to shares that here ha ha I'm still playing this game and don't want people know my combos. but with the combos I mention you will win most of your games. i play this game more than a thousand times already and I only have very few battles that lasted longer than 10 minutes. and I won most of them. even when it's 2v1. So if you want to get good at this learn the counter units first. That's all for this video, I might make a video later on with more advance strategies. Thanks for watching.
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